Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I'm Just Saying....

Things change fast… The people who vowed to be there come up missing, the ones who made promises start forgetting.Crazy what a test of time can do to even the strongest of emotions. You can tell when it’s authentic, genuine, and coming from the right place.If it’s not really you, I don’t respect it. Nobody is perfect, without fault, etc. Its okay to be you, flaws and all because we all fall short. Imitation is suicide. Again: There. Is. Nothing. Wrong. With. Just. Being. Yourself! yes, that was a rant. Take it how you want to.

Do not settle for someone who you know have not matured enough to handle your emotional changes. You need comfort not anguish. Men - Yes she is a handful so don't take her on unless you are big enough to handle her.Don't expect from your spouse what you are unable to give. Instead give what you want to get.If you allowed it for 10 years, putting your foot down now means you must do so with patience and no blame.

Crazy what a test of time can do to even the strongest of emotions.Crazy the difference a year can bring. Especially when it comes to feelings for certain people. At first it’s “Lol’s” all day and a few problems later it’s “I was busy” and then eventually it’s just “hope all is well. Scary people make dating more complicated than it has to be. The insecurities, doubts, & walls stop things from flowing naturally. If you’re not strong enough to be vulnerable, you’re not ready to be in a relationship. Women scared to be lonely, men scared to put work in, both scared to open up and connect. The cycle has everybody losing. You attract what you are. If you’re inconsistent and all over the place, the 1’s you attract will be too. Love isn't hard, people are just difficult. Don’t take time for granted. Say what you need to say while the person still cares to listen. Once you lose their ear, you can say goodbye to their heart. You’re not getting it back. Dating can be as simple as you make it. Lies aside, games away, BS to the back and just focus on building something real. It’s not rocket science. Commit to something, stand by it thru the ups and the downs, communicate and be honest. But you’d run if it felt too real huh? You’d get scared if it started feeling familiar? You wouldn't work, that’s not in you, huh? Its still a few rare 1s out there. They’re ready but not forcing it, they’re just waiting for somebody to show them different

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