Thursday, March 7, 2013

Season Reason Life Time

Sometimes, you just have to step back and observe. Every three months (once a quarter), I delete people from my life who no longer serve me. I believe that reasons and seasons are so much more important than lifetimes, because reasons and seasons give us so many lessons that we wouldn't have otherwise been taught.

But, what happens after the lesson is learned? How many people are in your circle who don't support or lift you up that should have been gone long ago? How many people are in your circle not holding you accountable for your bullshit? I am the average of the five people I'm around the most. This is why I don't allow people to just text me unless it's an emergency. I am not on my time; I'm on God's time. I have to be accountable for each moment that I'm allowed to use.

I've always been a protector of my space, but now that I have kids AND I'm running a business, I have to be ULTRA protective for their sake as well.

That friend always calling with drama,
that friend you can only have a good time with when they're drunk,
That friend who continues to blame everyone but themselves for their circumstances,
That friend who calls for advice they won't ever take,
That friend who is addicted to talking about your other "friends" behind their back...
Girl, you are wasting time that's NOT yours. There are consequences to that compromise.

Sometimes, you just need to say goodbye. All those distractions are simply ways the enemy has you procrastinating from fulfilling your purpose.

Stay on task. You are here for a reason

Thanks Dawn...

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