Monday, November 19, 2012

Random Thoughts

You can’t always control who you lose but you can control who you hold on to, just make sure they’re worth it. Sometimes you just need to remove certain people from your life. If they don’t see your vision, they’ll compromise your mission. Great people can’t come into your life if you keep holding on to pointless people and allowing them to block the door. Stop letting people just “chill” and take up space in your life. Make sure their presence has a purpose. Beware of those who claim to care more when their actions show you that they could care less.

If you show me somebody you feel you can’t expect anything from, I’ll show you somebody you don’t need in your life. Don’t avoid having basic expectations. You should expect the people who claim to care about you to show it, & in more ways than one. When you care about something, you protect and cherish it; your “care” should make it better. If they aren't helping you dream bigger, inspiring you to work harder, or motivating you to do better, you don't need them. It’s simple math: if people aren't adding value to your life then they need to be subtracted.

We're all impressionable. If you want to get ahead make sure you start the process by putting yourself around the right influences. Some people will be around just to be around, don't let them. You need to be around people who have a sense of purpose & direction. Anytime you say "easier said than done" you're making an excuse for why you can't do what you know is necessary. If you’re trying to go places in life you can’t keep following the people who are content with just going anywhere. Letting go may be easier said then done, but just because it isn't easy doesn't mean it isn't necessary.

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