Friday, February 21, 2014

This IS Only A Test

This is only a test

Remember for your life God wants the best and nothing less
The devil is coming at you in every direction
God knows best you need this lesson
You can’t go to the next level if you’re still stressing

You bills are due money is gone
You're about to be on the streets with no place to call home
You’re Wondering what you did wrong

When God is trying to get your attention
And you fail to listen
He will remove everything and everyone
He wants you to get through this and not have to do a rerun
You've done all you know how to do
Stand still listen God's got you

When you can accept the worst in your situation
Face it head on you can overcome the temptation
The devil don't play far he has a lot of patience

You feeling lonely and all alone
Wondering where has all you friends gone
He has you by yourself for a reason
Trust him this is just preparation season

Right now nothing seems unfair
You want to call it quits DON'T you dare
God woke you up this morning he's not through with you yet
There's your reason to go on right there

You've lost you drive an determination
Don't you know that is no one but SATAN
He comes to Kill steal and destroy that's his fixation

Speak to that problem and tell it to move
Don't you know you have the power to
Instead of focusing on what’s not
Praise GOD in the mist of your storm he is all you got
Stop worrying start praying
I’m just saying

So you think you’re going through a lot
Jesus went through way more than what you got going on you must have forgot
Face it head on so then can you move on
Jesus is with you every step of the way Trust him he want steer you wrong

You've put your trust in everyone else
That didn't work try GOD for yourself
Test aren't meant to break you
They are meant to form, shape and make you

This is only a test
So ask yourself do you want to keep going through mess
Or do you want to be bless and past this test

You’re not average so you don't get average problems
Just remember God is the problem solver trust him

God already know the ending to your story
Remember in the mist of your storm give him all the praise and glory
©2014 Kayundra Simpson, All Rights Reserved 

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