Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Fundraiser....

My mission is to give back to my community by providing help others less fortunate. When you receive you blessings the truth is that they are not just for you. You should want to bless someone who may be going through their own personal storm.  My life may be a representation a Tsunami but I believe my deliverance in healing will come through my ministry that God had given me by helping others. How can I help you may ask? I want to help that mother that has fallen on hard times when she has rent due and still needs to provide food for their child(ren).  What about that teenager that feels she has no one who will sit and listen to her as she tries to figure out how she can attend college but have no money? What about that man that has been released from jail: and have no information on a job that will not look at his felony conviction but will give him a chance? But the one that touches a lot of people - the woman that has or is being abused physically, emotionally and mentally. I want to be a voice for the oppressed. I want to be that person that you can come to and know you don't have to face it alone. At times the people that are the closest to us are struggling and we don't even know. I want to be the person you can call me, walk into my office or see me on the streets and I will be able to assist you in getting whatever help it is that may be needed at that time.
I have my goals in this year to be able to assist 2 families to get school supplies and school uniforms. Then when the holidays come I would like to be able to bless at least 5 families for Christmas and Thanksgiving. God has allowed me to come through so many things in my life that I can honestly say that I know what it is to be homeless and lost without a cause. But God only allowed things that would in the end to be the building blocks of my ministry. I want to take the time now to thank each of you that have played a role in this dream and who have supported my endeavors or who will play the role that is for you.
The website that you may begin to contribute is http://www.gofundme.com/kayundrasimpson. Contributes may be as little $5 and go up from there.
Ms. Kayundra Simpson